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    • Hope-ATMP
Product Details


Chemical name: Amino trimethylphosphonic acid

Molecular formula :C3H12NO9P3

Molecular weight:299.05

CAS No. :6419- 19-8


AppearanceColorless to light yellow transparent liquid
White crystal powder
Active content,%≥ 50.0≥95.0
Amino trimethylphosphonic acid content,%≥40.0≥85.0
Phosphite acid content(PO33-),%≤3.5≤4.0
Phosphoric acid content (PO43- ),%≤0.8≤0.8
Chloride content (Cl- ),%≤ 1.0≤ 1.0
Density (20℃) ,g/cm3≥ 1.3— —
PH value (1% water solution )≤2.0≤2.0
Fe content (Fe2+ ),ppm≤ 20.0≤ 20.0


Miscible with water. At 200℃, it has excellent scale inhibition performance, good stability, and excellent effect on calcium carbonate scale. And it can form stable complexes with various metal ions such as iron, copper,aluminum, zinc, etc., with good dispersion performance. When the dosage exceeds 40ppm, it also has good corrosion inhibition performance.


Anti scaling agent for cooling water systems, oil pipelines, and boilers. It can be used as an anti scaling agent for harsh oil pipelines with high hardness, high salinity, and other water qualities.

Packaging and storage:

ATMP liquid is packaged in plastic drums of 25kg or 250kg each; ATMP solids are packaged in plastic woven bags (lined with polyethylene bags), with a net weight of 25kg per bag or as required. Store indoors in a cool and ventilated place, protected from moisture and sunlight, with a storage period of ten months.

Safety protection:

ATMP is acidic and should avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. Once splashed onto the body,it should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.

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