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    • Hope HEDP
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Chemical Name: Hydroxyethylene diphosphonic acid

Molecular Formula: C2H8O7P2

Molecular Weight: 206.03

CAS NO. : 2809-21-4





Colorless to light yellow transparent liquid

White crystalline powder

Active Ingredients (HEDP), %

≥ 50.0

≥ 60.0


Phosphorous Acid (PO33-) Content, %




Chloride (Cl-) Content, %

≤ 200

≤ 200

≤ 50

Density(20), g/cm3

≥ 1.360

≥ 1.440

— —

PH (1% Water Solution)




Iron (Fe2+) Content, ppm

≤ 10.0

≤ 10.0

≤ 10

Calcium Chelation Value, mgCaCO3/g


≥ 500

— —

Phosphoric Acid (PO43-) Content, %




Chrominance, Hazen

≤ 50

≤ 50

— —

Active Ingredients (HEDP· H2O), %

— —

— —


Note: Low arsenic index is AS content≤3.0ppm


HEDP can be miscible with water and remains stable at high PH environment. HEDP has good scale inhibition effect below 200℃, while it is easy to decompose above 250℃. HEDP is toxicity and pollution-free, and also is acid and alkali resistant. HEDP can form stable complexes with various metal ions such as iron, copper, aluminum, and zinc, and can dissolve metal surface oxides.


HEDP can be a scale and corrosion inhibitor for boilers and heat exchangers, a complexing agent for cyanide free electroplating, a cleaning agent for metals and non-metals, a stabilizer and fixing agent in the rinsing industry, and a scale inhibitor and dispersant for circulating water systems.

Packaging and storage:

The liquid HEDP is packaged in plastic drums of 25kg or 250kg; the solid HEDP is packaged in plastic woven bags (lined with polyethylene bags), with a net weight of 25kg per bag that can also be determined according to customers’needs. Storage should be in a cool and ventilated indoor space. Keeping away from moisture and sunlight. Storage period is ten months.

Safety protection:

HEDP is acidic and should avoid contacting with eyes, skin, or clothing. Once splashed onto the body, it should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.

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